Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The habit that can make you lose teeth

According to a medical study, the habit of vaping or e-cigarettes can cause a person to lose teeth. According to a report by a foreign news agency, vaping affects the teeth like regular cigarettes, causing cavities in them if they are used. If not treated in time, they are lost. The American professor has warned people who are addicted to vaping that the smoke of vaping affects the teeth badly, and causes them to become hollow over time.

He said that people with a habit of vaping must tell their doctor so that they can give you the best treatment apart from the general patient. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 9.1 million adults and 2.0 million youth in the United States use tobacco vaping products. Although most patients did not vape, 79 percent of those who did had dental caries. While among the people who did not use electronic cigarettes, this rate was 60 percent.

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