Saturday, December 17, 2022

The hearing challenged have good news from modern technology


Now even those with hearing loss can enjoy music. The hearing impaired will benefit from the new technology. 

The international news agency claims that the new technology will allow those who have hearing loss to listen to music. An programme created by scientists transforms monophonic music into audible stimuli that are delivered through vibration.

This imparts a musical feeling to the wearer of the instrument. Additionally, concerts can use this device. 

According to experts, we have been working on ways to help those who are deaf hear for a long time, and to some extent, we've been successful. attempting to understand how music might alter one's emotions and abilities, as well as how it helps treat mental disease and pain. 

With this apparatus, more than 50 people were tested. Each person had a wrist-mounted gadget installed, and they all claimed success.

The strange loss of Corona, the mind of the youth started to grow rapidly

Young people's brains have begun to grow at an incredibly fast rate due to the unusual effects of the corona virus, which has been classified as a global epidemic. Biological Psychiatry, the top publication for medicine, science, and research, issued a paper on the subject. 

A Stanford University study that produced this finding has been published.This consists of 163 young people's brain scans. According to the research report, when a child enters puberty from boyhood, some areas of his brain progressively grow, but cruelty, violence, and neglect in childhood cause this process to be disrupted. 

Children who are victims of chronic stress or strain go through this process more quickly than others, but recent study has shown that Corona is to blame for the accelerated rate of brain damage in young individuals.  The hippocampus and the amygdala, which are involved in the preservation of specific memories or that regulate emotional processes, are developing in young people's brains, according to the paper that was made public. a report on the research. 

Additionally, it has been discovered that this process was discovered too early and that the area of this process, the region of the cortex that supports significant brain processes, has thinned. was initiated earlier with the primary goal of assessing the condition brought on by depression in children and adolescents during puberty, because professionals were aware of these indicators in kids who had negative thoughts. 

The professionals who initially conducted the research allegedly had to cease working during the coronavirus pandemic, and when the research resumed, they allegedly lost their objectives. 

It has been demonstrated that the Corona outbreak has caused a rapid increase in young people's mental age. Experts are now concerned that since Corona has affected the entire world, the entire future will undoubtedly be affected. Generation may experience negative impacts in the future.
This is significant in that specialists are still unsure of whether or not the harmful effects will subside with time. However, people must be aware that mental illnesses, such as depression, are swiftly on the rise in this environment. According to a research report, the corona virus can cause mental imbalance. The normal lives of practically all people were severely damaged during the corona pandemic, and it is now possible to say that the kids of today do not have the same brains as those of youth from a few years ago.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The habit that can make you lose teeth

According to a medical study, the habit of vaping or e-cigarettes can cause a person to lose teeth. According to a report by a foreign news agency, vaping affects the teeth like regular cigarettes, causing cavities in them if they are used. If not treated in time, they are lost. The American professor has warned people who are addicted to vaping that the smoke of vaping affects the teeth badly, and causes them to become hollow over time.

He said that people with a habit of vaping must tell their doctor so that they can give you the best treatment apart from the general patient. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 9.1 million adults and 2.0 million youth in the United States use tobacco vaping products. Although most patients did not vape, 79 percent of those who did had dental caries. While among the people who did not use electronic cigarettes, this rate was 60 percent.

Assumptions about baldness, which people still believe to be true

The treatment of baldness is a problem that has puzzled scientists for centuries, and in every age they have been in search of a solution to this problem. Being tested in the light of scientific observations, the beliefs are called the 'Jad Amjad' of modern science, they also tried to stop the baldness process. And also understand that the causes of baldness can be anything from our genetic make-up to the effects of the weather, but we still hear a lot of hearsay about hair loss.

Dr Carolyn Goh, a specialist in hair and scalp problems at the University of California, says that 'baldness is not necessarily a bad thing.' That there are three myths about baldness that people still believe to be true. Genes from the mother are to blame Of course you've heard from friends or family that the genes that cause baldness come from the mother's side of the family, but the truth is more complicated than that. In a 2017 study published in OS Genetics

A group of British researchers studied 52,000 men with hereditary baldness. The researchers claimed that they were able to identify at least 287 genes that could be responsible for baldness in these individuals. was from the chromosome, that is, the chromosome that these individuals inherited from their mothers. It is true that the most powerful genes come from the mother's side, but since baldness is caused by more than one gene and these genes can come from both sides, baldness can be caused by both (mother and father). can come from Baldness can come from both parents To understand why women don't lose hair with age like men do, it's important to understand the genetic process scientists call 'endogenetic alopecia'. According to Dr. Carolyn Goh, the genes that cause this type of baldness or alopecia show a greater effect in men due to a component of the male hormone, testosterone. This thing can happen to both men and women but there are differences between the two. Generally, women do not suffer from baldness. Some hair falls from the top of their head. This is probably because women don't have as much testosterone as men, and the presence of estrogen in us cancels out the effect of inherited baldness genes.''Second hypothesis: wearing hats or washing too much. Hair loss How many times a week do you wash your hair? Daily or three times a week? Do you wear a hat all the time? Maybe your hair loss isn't caused by washing your hair or wearing a hat, but that's what your barber tells you. "If you see someone covering their head, it means their hair is falling out, not because they're bald because of wearing a hat," says Dr Goh. Not proof that wearing a hat makes you bald. Although both of these are just assumptions or hearsay, they relate to one thing that is true and that is that the top of your head is one of the most lubricated parts of our body. But 'being very oily' does not mean that the top of the head is the most sensitive part of our body, but the fact that our scalp is the least prone to infection compared to the rest of the body.According to Dr. Koh, if you are using the right products to wash your hair, there is no harm in washing your hair daily.Third hypothesis: There is no cure for hair loss. There are at least three such medical solutions to contend with. The chemical and physical causes of hair loss can be so varied that no alternative method of preventing baldness guarantees 100% results, but these methods can slow down the rate of hair loss and in some cases even reverse the process. means your hair may start growing back. Minoxidil:A chemical compound that comes in the form of a lotion or foam and is applied to the top of the head. Some non-scientific research conducted in this regard has also shown that eating minoxidil capsules led to hair growth in some people who had suffered from baldness. Not approved for sale in the form of Fina Steroid: It is a dietary supplement. This drug was originally used to treat inflammation of the bladder or prostate, but now it is also used to treat small amounts of hair loss. Hair transplant:In this procedure, hair is usually removed from the hairy part of your head and applied to the part where the hair has fallen out. In recent years, there has been significant progress in the field and various new methods of hair transplant have emerged. And that if you get a transplant, your hair doesn't look good. "It may have been the case in the past, but today transplants are showing very good results."

How does a hernia make a victim and what are its symptoms?

Hernia is a disease that is most common in men, but women can also suffer from it.In this disease, the intestines or other organs from the weak part of the stomach are released outside the stomach and are seen in the form of a bag under the skin.

According to a report, hernias are usually more common in the abdomen but can also occur in the navel, upper thigh and groin area. . Causes of hernia A hernia can occur when weak muscles or weakness in the muscles interfere with the natural cycle of tissue breakdown and repair within the body. Aging, chronic cough, and damage from surgery are some of the causes of muscle weakness, while heavy lifting, constipation, fluid accumulation in the stomach, or surgery to the area also increase the risk.

Hernia Symptoms, The most common symptom of this disease is the appearance of a lump in the affected area. Other common symptoms include pain or discomfort in the affected area, weakness or heaviness in the stomach, burning or itching sensation in the affected area, chest pain, difficulty swallowing and heartburn. What factors increase the risk? Family history of hernia, obesity, chronic constipation, cough and smoking increase the risk of this disease.

What is the treatment? It is usually diagnosed by doctors in a variety of ways and is usually treated with surgery, but in some cases, medications can also be effective.

(Plastic lunch boxes are harmful or beneficial for children)

 The use of plastic lunch boxes among school going children can prove to be disastrous for their health. Food items are kept.

Experts say that plastic and aluminum affect children's hormones and deprive the body of essential minerals, so its use should be avoided. They emphasized the use of steel lunch boxes instead of plastic and aluminum. has given.

Experts say that it is important for us to know that plastics can cause toxic chemicals to come into contact with any hot food item. Made of steel, they have a positive effect on the health of the child. Similarly, plastic bottles are also prohibited and instead of them, the use of copper and steel bottles is suggested.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Children under 5 are more susceptible to pneumonia because of pollution and changing weather

These days, everyone's health is at risk, whether they are children, the old, or the young. It now takes longer to recover from a common cold than it used to, which was typically three to five days.

The number of patients visiting hospitals with breathing problems has increased by around 15% as a result of rising pollution.

The 7-year-old son of Vaishnavi, a resident of Noida's Sector 93, claimed that he had been suffering from a cold and respiratory problems for the past few months. She claimed that despite visiting numerous doctors, none of the suggested medications worked.

As the cold and pollution worsen, more children are developing pneumonia. A increased danger of getting sick exists for those who have not had their vaccinations.

According to paediatrician Dr. D.K. Gupta, children with pneumonia are being admitted to the OPD, and early diagnosis and treatment of the illness are essential.Children need extra attention in the winter, according to Gupta, because they are more likely to develop pneumonia.He advised covering children's ears to protect them from the cold and keeping them properly clothed as preventive steps to assure their safety.

According to Gupta, because of their increased risk of pneumonia during the winter, youngsters require extra attention.He said that two preventative actions that can be performed to safeguard children's safety are to keep them properly clothed and to keep their ears covered to shield them from the cold.He continued by saying that in youngsters, chest wheezing may be an indication of pneumonia.Pneumonia affects the majority of children under the age of five, making it difficult for them to breathe and consume milk.

Additionally, they are prone to other issues including fever, ear infections, diarrhoea, and measles, which is a highly contagious illness brought on by the measles virus.

The measles vaccine is quite efficient at preventing the disease.

When a person with the disease coughs or sneezes, droplets are released into the air. They become infectious when breathed in by a healthy person.

During the pandemic, children's regular vaccinations were compromised, leaving their course of shots incomplete.

Bacteria, viruses, and fungi can contribute to lung infections. In contrast, a cold is a form of allergy that causes a runny nose and throat mucous.

Pneumococcal, PCV 13, and Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccines, among others, help protect kids from bacterial pneumonia.

In order to avoid contracting pneumonia, it is important to routinely wash your hands with soap or handwash, stay away from infected persons, and protect your face with your elbow when you sneeze.


chest pain, particularly when coughing or inhaling

cough that is blood crimson, green, or yellow and produces phlegm or mucus

excessive tiredness

reduced appetite

chills, perspiration, and fever

nausea and diarrhoea



Ductal carcinoma, which begins in the milk ducts, is the most prevalent type of breast cancer. Lobular carcinoma is one of the additional forms of breast cancer.

A type of cancer called breast cancer develops from breast tissue. Ductal carcinoma, which develops in milk ducts, is the most prevalent type of breast cancer.Other forms of breast cancer include inflammatory breast cancer, which starts in the breast tissue, and lobular carcinoma, which starts in the milk lobules. Women between the ages of 55 and 64 are the most likely to die from breast cancer. Compared to women who are diagnosed later in life, those who are diagnosed earlier typically have more aggressive cancers and have shorter survival rates.

Age is the single most important factor in causing breast cancer in the majority of women, although there are other risk factors for the disease as well.

Family history: Having a first-degree family who has breast cancer raises your risk, whether they are on your mother's or father's side. A inherited propensity for breasts is indicated by several characteristics, such as (5-10 per cent of all breast cancers).

Onset at a young age of 45. • A person with many malignancies • Cancers that are known to be brought on by a specific gene mutation affect numerous family members who are descended from the same ancestor. • Breast cancer presenting in an unusual way, such as in males or in bilaterally. • A few different forms of breast cancer, such as triple-negative breast cancer.

Personal Breast cancer history: If you've already had breast cancer, your risk of getting it again is very high.

The majority of breast cancers are sporadic or random, and some factors, such as - • Postmenopausal women typically reach their sixth and seventh decades of age. • Gender: female (For every 100 females, 1 male gets breast cancer) • Obesity: Having a large waistline or being overweight raises your risk of breast cancer. • Regular alcohol use: Regular alcohol use increases the risk of breast cancer. • Women's menstrual history People who experience early menarche (before the age of 12) or late menopause (beyond the age of 55) are more at risk because they are exposed to more oestrogen and progesterone. • After 35 years, a first child is born late. • Hormone replacement medication: Taking hormone replacement therapy, especially for a long time, increases the risk of developing breast cancer. • Nulliparity (not having children). Please be aware of oral contraceptives.

Blood May Contain a New Biomarker for AcuteCOVID-19

Scientists have shown that patients with acute COVID-19 infection have increased levels of the cytokine IL-26 in their blood. Moreover, high IL-26 levels correlate with an exaggerated inflammatory response that signifies severe cases of the disease. The findings, which are presented in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Immunology, suggest that IL-26 is a potential biomarker for severe COVID-19.

Vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 have proved effective at reducing the number of cases of severe COVID-19. However, the emergence of new viral variants, limited distribution of the vaccine, and declining immunity are problems that drive scientists to find more efficacious treatments for the disease.

To develop improved treatments, we must comprehend underlying immunological systems better. Additionally, there is a requirement for better diagnostics in

-patients, according to Eduardo Cardenas, a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, and lead author of the brand-new pilot study.

The researchers have attempted to determine whether immunological signalling via the cytokine interleukin-26 (IL-26) is implicated in severe COVID-19 for the first time.

Anders Lindén, consultant and professor at the Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, is the study's final author. "We already know that IL-26 is engaged in mobilising immune cells that combat bacterial infections in the lungs and also in chronic respiratory disease in humans," he says. Additionally, IL-26 possesses antiviral and antibacterial properties.

The researchers gathered 49 individuals who had been hospitalised with SARS-CoV-2 infection, 44 of whom had severe symptoms and required oxygen therapy, to investigate how the molecule is implicated in COVID-19. From June 2020 to January 2021, the patients were enrolled at a hospital in Stockholm. During the same time span, a control group of 27 healthy people was also recruited. The researchers next assessed the concentrations of IL-26 protein and other inflammatory substances in.